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Author: Paul Meaway
I am the Founder, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Private Patrol Qualified Manager (PPQ) of Meaway Security Services, Inc. (MSS). I am also the Founder and Owner of Meaway Security Training Academy (MSTA), a Training Facility, Firearms (TFF). MSS was Licensed July 2010 as a Sole Proprietorship and Incorporated May 2016. MSTA was Licensed August 2011 as a Sole Proprietorship. Both Entities are Registered with California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS), with the objectives to provide California required Security Guard (G) and Proprietary Private Security Officer (PSO) Skills Training Services and to provide Security Guards and Patrol Servicess, to help Prevent Crimes and to Protect Persons and Property.
I am a Former Police Detective Sergeant and Chief Investigator of a Joint Security Forces (JSF/IT), Criminal Investigation Division (CID,